Order Management

What does supply chain visibility really mean?

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Think two steps ahead

你不必坐以待毙,等待破坏的发生. Expeditors订单管理使您能够积极主动地关注您的供应链,并在问题出现之前进行控制. We offer insightful, 量身定制的解决方案,确保您的订单如期进行,并帮助您成功规划未来.



What is Order Management?

Leveraging technology and hands-on experience

Traditional logistics is inherently reactive. 有能力适应订单过程中不可预见的变化,将帮助您在延误发生之前避免延误.

订单管理利用十大正规买球平台和我们网络的专业知识来优化您的供应链,并成功地根据需要进行调整. 如果你知道你的供应链上发生了什么, 你可以在问题造成破坏之前解决它们.

Read this article to learn more



30 Years of Partnership

Dedicated partner of Walgreens over 30 years


As a large international retailer, 沃尔格林的首要任务是确保他们有合适的产品, in the right quantities, at the right time on their shelves. Expeditors订单管理允许他们做所有这些,同时也提供安心.

Watch the video here to learn more





Manage disruptions


供应链可见性和控制的重要性在十大正规买球平台中断期间最为明显. 在有风险订单的利益相关者之间及时沟通, versus those that are moving as planned, is critical.








Proactive, not reactive

Revolutionize your supply chain efficiency

Standardized processes, data integrity, greater visibility, 世界各地经验丰富的专业人员是使国际供应链按计划顺利运行的关键. Simply put, we offer digital logistics you can trust.



Industry Highlights


Detail Your Retail Needs

Using Order Management for your retail Needs允许您在一个平台上使用所需的所有资源和专业知识来面对多个项目. Expeditors通过引入最佳实践为您的零售十大正规买球平台提供多层次的服务, current analytics, 以及可以优化库存和降低运输成本的创造性解决方案.

随着订单管理的力量,监督您的零售供应链从未如此有组织. 让我们为库存管理解决方案开辟一条新的道路, 并为授权供应链设计最佳零售方法.

Automotive & Mobility

Driving Towards Solutions

十大正规买球平台正在彻底改变汽车和移动十大正规买球平台, and keeping track of your automotive 需求与订单管理是至关重要的,以确保您的设备是安全和及时的. 订单管理使您能够获得可视性,并通过优化和十大正规买球平台专业知识提供价值的解决方案控制您的供应链.

了解更多十大正规买球平台如何通过空运运输高级车辆, 帮助支持全球电动汽车的兴起, 并在整个汽车供应链中带来订单和产品级别的可见性,以创造里程碑式的机会.

Aviation & Aerospace

Sky High Visibility

在一个严格监管的十大正规买球平台,管理你的不可预测性 aviation supply chain can be transformative. 通过有价值的可视性来管理库存, minimizing repair delays, and reducing costs, 航空客户可以控制和监督这一复杂的过程. With the ability to track and control, 订单管理允许客户灵活的运输路线和匹配进口和出口控制的货物.



Partnering with Additional Services

Carrier Allocation

简化您的海运运输,并为您和您的承运商建立互惠互利的关系 Carrier Allocation. 这项服务有助于提前几周预测货运,以确保积极的计划和效率. It is cost-effective, mitigates disruptions, and improves lead times by connecting customers, carriers, and forwarders.

Delivery Management

With Delivery Management, 您不仅可以获得您的供应链的全面可见性, 但是,您还可以使用托管解决方案跟踪和计划集装箱交付. Read more about our upcoming Delivery Management service to leverage your supply chain.



Total Container Management

End-to-End Visibility and Control

Carrier AllocationOrder Management, and Delivery Management 是否有独特的解决方案可以解决客户供应链网络中的特定挑战. Each service can stand alone, 或者无缝集成以改进规划过程, booking, and delivery.

Total Container Management is a unique, managed service enabled by technology, 在整个运输过程中提供无与伦比的可视性. 由了解国际集装箱运输细微差别的十大正规买球平台十大正规买球平台提供支持, Total Container Management是中立的服务提供商,对所有人开放.



"Expeditors has the people, processes, and systems 这在全球范围内都是标准化的,这是任何订单管理提供商的核心."

 -Sandra McCarthy, Director Global Transportation & Customs Compliance





Episode 5 | Supply Chain Resiliency: Control vs. Influence

“没有人能阻止它,只有学会驾驭它。.” 当事情出错时,你准备好采取行动了吗? 您的组织的选择如何影响您的合作伙伴、您的业务和您的客户? Michelle Weaver, Senior Vice President of Global Order Management, 谈论通过将注意力从控制局面转移到应对巨大挑战, to influencing your options to create powerful, effective outcomes.